June 1, 2022
Within Reach 2022 Calendar and Prayer Guide – June
Within Reach
How can we ensure there is a church within walking distance of everyone in the world?
We must be patient. We must be steadfast. Most importantly, we must pray.
Thousands of indigenous people groups exist around the world, each with their own unique history and culture. While some have heard the Gospel, there is still much work needing to be done. Many of these people face persecution, especially those who have converted to Christianity. A strong church provides hope, safety and support for these new Christians, and spreads the Gospel to others.
As the Global Church Developer, our mission is to equip our indigenous partners with resources they need to plant churches, disciple believers and provide refuge. Without you, we could not accomplish that mission. Each month, we highlight some of those groups that may be blessed by ICM and our partners.
Please take time each month to pray for them as our work continues, and reflect on your own spiritual journey with the Lord. We pray each month’s post is a blessing to you. We thank you for your endless support.
All Scripture references come from the New Living Translation (NLT). Joshua Project used for Profile resources and stats.
People Within Reach: PURUHÁ
Located in Ecuador
The Puruhá Indians live in Ecuador’s Andean highlands. Not much is known about their modern lives, nor about their original culture. They were once skilled weavers and subsistence farmers who resided in settlements of thatched huts. However, their region was colonized, first by the Inca and then by Spanish settlers. Because the Spaniards favored the Quechua-speaking Inca over the Puruhá, their language and cultural identity disappeared in the 18th century.
Like many in Latin America, the Puruhá are mostly Catholic, with some hints of their ancestral religion incorporated. They are turning to evangelical Christianity, but they need solid Bible training to grow in their faith. An ICM partner in Ecuador is giving them this training, using our audio discipleship program in Quechua.
Puruhá At a Glance
Population: 986,000
Language: Quechua
Main Religion: Christianity
Christian: 98%*
Reflection Questions
- Do you have a small group you regularly attend with your church? If not, what does your personal Bible study time look like?
- Do you have quiet times in the morning? The evening? On your commute to work?
Think about how a quiet, study time of God’s Word can become a priority in your routine.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that the Puruhá find their ultimate hope in Christ.
- Pray that the discipleship material in Quechua reaches those that need to hear God’s Word.
- Pray for spiritual maturity within the Puruhá’s churches and an end to all ancestral worship.
- Pray for the church leaders and pastors, that they would steward the sheep well.
- Pray for a great spiritual harvest among the Puruhá people, that no one would be left behind.
Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.—Isaiah 43:1
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