January 1, 2023
Within Reach 2023 Calendar and Prayer Guide – January
Within Reach
Are you ready to read amazing stories of what God is doing around the world?
Healthy churches are changing communities. Lives are being transformed by the Gospel. Let us continue to pray for the nations together.
As we move towards our goal of reaching 25 Million Disciples for Christ, we know that empowering existing believers is just as crucial as sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard it. Healthy churches must be filled with healthy disciples who are fully equipped to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
But we could not accomplish this God-sized mission without you. This prayer calendar and journal highlights just a few of the people and projects that are blessed by your giving.
We hope you are touched by reading these testimonies from our ministry partners around the world. Each month, please pray for these pastors, church congregations, and passionate new disciples, and take a moment to reflect on your own spiritual journey with the Lord. Once again, we thank you for your faithful generosity and support.
All Scripture references come from the English Standard Version (ESV). *Names changed to protect identity.
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." — Hebrews 10:23
Reaching the World for Christ, One Disciple at a Time
Kucova Church
Two years ago, young couple Gene and Danielle heard the Gospel for the first time. They wanted to believe in Jesus, but they were still unsure about accepting Him as their Savior. Because of their uncertainty, they never went to church to learn more about Him. But soon, they would need Jesus more than ever.
When their baby Trey* was born with a life-threatening brain trauma, Gene and Danielle were devastated. After numerous visits with doctors who gave them no hope for survival, the couple was exhausted by their efforts to find a cure for their child. Desperate, Gene and Danielle turned to Kucova, a local church in their community. “Only God can help my son,” confessed Gene to the church pastor. Touched by the situation, the pastor found a Christian doctor who specialized in brain disorders to help baby Trey – at absolutely no cost to the family. Both the pastor and the doctor prayed for the young family, asking God to heal the infant and guide the couple into His arms.
As Trey’s condition improved, Gene and Danielle began to see a miracle blossom in front of them. Trey’s healing led them to salvation! Today, they know that God is helping Trey grow up strong, and now all three of them are part of the Kucova Church family. Praise God for this miraculous healing and salvation.
How can the light of Jesus shine through you this month?
As believers of Christ, we are called to serve those that are hurting. This month, consider your neighbors and your community. Reflect on how you can serve others, whether it is bringing a meal to your neighbor or volunteering at a community aid center.
Prayer Requests
- Praise God for the congregation’s opportunity to share the Gospel in the city square.
- Pray that those who hear the Gospel would receive salvation.
- Kucova Church leadership is preparing another married couple to pastor a nearby church.
- Pray that God will provide finances to support them in their ministry.
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