May 29, 2018
Where No One Else Dared to Tread
South Sudan
Carole Ward, an ICM ministry partner, leads Favor of God Ministries in Uganda and South Sudan. Back in 2002, she prayed, “Lord, let me lay my life down for you where no one else wants to go.” Suddenly, doors began to open for her to minister in war-torn northern Uganda. The area is so dangerous that when she elected to go, U.S. missions organizations wrote her off as dead.
Carole fell in love with the Acholi people and with the refugees struggling to recover from decades of civil war. She founded Favor of God Ministries and quickly got to work counseling the hurting, sharing the gospel, and nurturing house churches. Carole then began looking to extend the ministry into neighboring South Sudan – an even more difficult area with a majority Muslim population. Two years ago, Favor of God purchased a site just outside the capital city of Juba to build a church, Hope Center, and pastor training center. Once built, Carole planned to launch a 24/7 Christian radio station and train 50 new pastors.
The obstacles were, and still are, enormous: migrant populations, a dire lack of resources and infrastructure, and fierce opposition to Christianity. Due to these difficulties, the Hope Center and training center are on hold. But this year, a miracle: the first ICM church was dedicated in South Sudan. Three more are under construction.
Today, Favor of God also has nine ICM churches built in northern Uganda, with two more underway. A women’s empowerment program is helping hundreds of Ugandan women find economic security, as well as a new life in Christ.
Gradually, this devastated region is being transformed for God’s glory. And all because one person dared to go where no one else would tread.
Please pray for Carole and all of the staff at Favor of God Ministries, that God’s peace and safety will go with them.

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