July 21, 2021
The Truth Found Me
Stories of Hope
This incredible testimony comes from a young man in the MENA region who discovered the truth of Jesus Christ thanks to a local church you funded in his community!
“My name is Ahmet. I’m 28 years old. I was Muslim until I turned 18. But I didn’t have good information about Islam and the Muslim god. I said to myself, “You should read their books.” And then I read their books in my language. I noticed something is wrong here. So I left Islam and became an atheist. I did everything I liked.
“After 8 years, I started thinking about humanity and the world. Because I noticed something is wrong. Something is wrong because people are killing each other. They’re stealing and they’re lying. But I was saying to myself, “I’m the same.” So I started looking for the truth. I read evolution theory, big bang theory, etc. But they didn’t give any answer to my question: ‘What is the truth?’
“After 7 months, in June 2018, I had a dream. I was in a very beautiful room. The room had a grave on a table and a string of puddles. I heard a voice say to me, ‘There is the tomb of Jesus! Your duty is to keep this room clean!’ I didn’t know who was calling me. But I took this mission seriously.
“The tomb was open, and someone lay in it with his eyes closed. I knew immediately that he was Jesus. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I was so scared. I said to myself, ‘What is the living one doing in the grave?’ I thought it was difficult to understand this dream and focused on my task of cleaning the room. But I didn’t know how. The puddles became thoroughly contaminated as I moved.
“I thought about this dream for three months. I only knew Jesus as a name. I realized that I had to investigate who he was. I decided to go to church. I had a long conversation about Christianity and Jesus with the people there. They gave me the Bible, and I started to read it. I saw the answer to my question. It was very clear that God could really say these words. Only God could speak so clearly and so lovingly.
“I was looking for the truth, but I couldn’t find it. The truth found me. Now I want to give my life to telling others about Jesus.”

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