July 16, 2019
Replicating the Gospel in Ecuador
Stories of Hope
Ecuador is located in South Africa and slightly smaller Nevada. However, it’s also the second-poorest country in Latin America. In the rural areas, you’ll find streets of hard-packed dirt and villages of tiny concrete homes.
On a recent trip to distribute our discipleship program in Ecuador, an ICM staff member met a Quechua-speaking man named Hipólito. Hipólito serves as an elder in his local church. In spite of the many study materials available in his language, he still can’t study the bible. All of the available study material are in print and Hopilito can’t read. To make things worse, the poor infrastructure won’t support a download of digital Bible training files.
Hipólito had given up hope that he would ever understand God’s Word. However, thanks to you, we were able to help him. Our staff member presented him with an MBC audio player in his language. Hipólito immediately threw his hands into the air and praised God for answering his prayers for a way to study the Bible. Soon, he will be ready to lead others in discipleship—and help plant new churches in Ecuador. What a huge BLESSING your support is to our partners!
Accelerating discipleship leads to the replication of God’s Church through church planting. This month, please pray for Hipólito and the other church leaders in Ecuador who received this material. Pray that many new churches will be planted as a result.
Thank you for replicating the gospel in Ecuador!

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