Pray for the Church

Be joyful in hope, patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12

You can make a global impact as you pray for the church worldwide.

Sign up to receive the Monthly Prayer Calendar with practical ways to pray every day.

3 ways to pray today

Prayer requests from around the world

South America

Pray for the delivery of devices to rural areas in the region, where many live with limited electricity and internet, enabling believers in those areas to access the Bible and ICM content in their heart language.


Pray for Christ’s light to shine in places of spiritual darkness.

Central America

Ask the Lord to protect, encourage, restore and strengthen men and women of God so they can serve and share with their neighbors the Love of Christ.

South East Asia

Pray for the growth and perseverance of Christ followers as they serve their communities and show God’s love to those around them.

Eastern Europe

Pray for the new opportunities that God is using to draw people closer to himself.

South Asia

Pray for those who are working to share the gospel in the region.

Middle East/North Africa

Pray for perseverance for God’s people who are seeking to follow Him and share hope with others amid challenging circumstances.

Stories and insights to fuel your prayers

Meet a featured ministry partner or local congregation with highlights, testimonies, and ways to pray.

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Preserving a Legacy
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What is a Healthy Church?
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What is a Partner?

Sign up for the Monthly Prayer Calendar

Join us in covering everything we do in faithful prayer.

Subscribe to receive the Monthly Prayer Calendar. Each calendar includes a featured story, profile, or devotional—plus short, daily prayer requests from our indigenous partners.