October 23, 2018
Nowhere Else To Go
Stories of Hope
church building
refugee camp
Thankfully, with your support, we’ve made great progress in our mission to build a church within walking distance of everyone in the world. But, we still have not met our goal. There are still millions of people who have never heard of Jesus and have no way of knowing Jesus. That revelation breaks our hearts.
Right now, our focus is on reaching those who are forced to live at refugee camp Rohingya. The needs at this camp are great, and the prayers needed are urgent. The young children who are forced to live in this camp are stuck in a long cycle of suffering and pain.
The Rohingya refugee camp is home to over 700,000 children yet doesn’t have enough space to hold them all. The living conditions are poor and chronic malnutrition is rapidly growing. There is no strong education program for these children, either. Individually, the severe conditions of this camp would be hard to overcome. However, all of these conditions combined leaves a slim chance for a bright future upon leaving.
Unfortunately, these children have nowhere else to go, and most of those suffering are forced to live in these poor conditions for most of their life.
We know you are always praying and supporting us in our mission to build the Kingdom of God. Right now, pray for God’s Kingdom to reach those who are suffering at this camp and at all refugee camps. Pray that God’s presence will be known at Camp Rohingya. Pray for a community of strong Christians to bring the Word of Christ to these children and create hope in their hearts. Pray for the hearts of the believers whose family or loved ones have been affected by this camp.

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