July 20, 2021
Many Strategies, One Vision
Sharing the Gospel in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) isn’t for the timid. Last year, the Global Peace Index named MENA the worlds’ least peaceful region. An estimated 12.4 million people are displaced by war and famine. Over 90 percent of the population is Muslim. And out of the 20 countries identified by Open Doors USA as being the most hostile to Christianity, MENA includes 12 of them.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." — Mark 16:15 ESV
In practical terms, this means our ministry partners serve in war zones and refugee camps. Many Christians worship, get baptized, and study the Bible in secret. Brave disciples tell their friends about Jesus not knowing if they’ll be shunned, or worse: attacked and murdered by violent extremist groups. In spite of these challenges, however, your support for ICM is allowing God’s Word to impact more people in this region than ever before. Here’s how:
Social Media Outreach
Our ministry partners are operating social media pages to introduce new people to ICM’s discipleship material. Through Facebook, Telegram and other platforms, Arabic and Farsi speakers can access discipleship lessons in their heart language, ask questions, and form online communities with other students. This strategy is currently engaging 58,927 people in this region.
Video Production
Our ministry partners are helping us turn our discipleship lessons into 15-minute animated videos that can be easily shared on social media. These are currently being produced in Farsi and Modern Standard Arabic. When completed, they will be used to reach a whole new generation in MENA with the Gospel. Globally, there are about 300 million speakers of Arabic and 110 million speakers of Farsi.
Content Distribution
Audio and digital devices containing ICM’s discipleship curriculum are being shipped to partners throughout the region to facilitate evangelism and church growth. The Kingdom Cross USB and the Credit Card shaped Audio Player are small enough to allow those who live under the threat of persecution to study the Bible completely in secret. In total, 24,050 devices have been distributed in MENA over the last 12 months.
Church Building
Last year, God miraculously opened doors for us to establish permanent church facilities in four new MENA countries. Thanks to you, ICM now has 166 churches built or under construction in this region. For security reasons, we cannot publicize these unique opportunities. For details, please call 757-827-6704.
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