November 15, 2024

Good News Of Great Joy



Stories of Hope

Growing up in a small Asian farming village, Janaki knew little about Christianity, except for her community’s belief that it posed a threat to their spiritual traditions and culture. She remembered years ago when a man from her village converted from Hinduism to Christianity he was forced out of his family home and excluded from his community. She never expected to follow a similar path.

One fall evening, Janaki was tuning in to her local broadcast by the warmth of her fireplace, when she stumbled upon ICM’s Foundations program. She carefully listened to every word of the Sermon on the Mount in her native language and was overcome with joy and thanksgiving as she absorbed each verse. God’s presence had never felt more real to her. She could hardly wait until the next broadcast.

With access to the Foundations curriculum, Janaki learned how to study God’s Word and walk closely with Him through a complete devotional survey of the Bible. She followed every episode, growing in Jesus’s teachings with each session. It answered the questions lingering in her mind and provided biblical, practical guidance for following Jesus. As she daily sought the Lord, she came to know the character of Christ and believed that He took on flesh and gave His life for her at the cross.

"She {Janaki} listened to every word of the Sermon on the Mount in her native language and was overcome with joy"

Being that the resources are designed for new believers to be discipled and make disciples, she showed them to her husband and they grew in their faith together. Even though her new belief in Jesus meant stepping away from the belief system she was raised in, Janaki never doubted that it was God’s calling on her life to follow Jesus. In unison with her husband, she found a church home and is now surrounded by an entire family of believers. God heard Janaki’s prayers even before she knew who He was, and she now gets to experience the good news of great joy, which is most certainly for all people.


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