November 15, 2024
Clinging To What Is Good
Church Building
Amidst the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine, an ICM church in the Middle East has been fervently praying for peace. With the conflict taking place so close to home, the congregation has seen the widespread destruction and suffering it has caused, yet they have not wavered in what they know to be true as followers of Christ: the Gospel is for everyone. With this in mind, they are prioritizing peace and prayerfully echoing Jesus’s desire for reconciliation.
The church’s heart for unity has been contagious, causing the next generation to follow suit in their own way. “As we’ve prayed for peace, God has awakened a group of young people to call for and encourage peace in the world through their reach on social media,” said a church member. Social media can be a tool for evil or a tool for good, and this group has used it for ultimate good by leveraging it to share Christ’s message of restoration and hope around the world.
"The church’s heart for unity has been contagious, causing the next generation to follow suit in their own way."
The rest of the church has been deeply encouraged by the youth in their congregation, even since their early days, as they were foundational to the beginning of the church. Many years prior, the early church leaders gathered children in the fields and taught them the Word of God.
What started as 20 children hungry for Jesus quickly turned into 200. As the kids’ lives began to look different, their parents took notice, and they eventually began to ask for the teaching themselves.
It became clear that God was orchestrating something special, and that they would need a place to gather. Through the generosity of our donors, ICM partnered with the village to fund a church and Hope Center. Now, the church has a permanent place of worship — a space where every generation is actively engaged in sharing the Gospel and reaching the lost.
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